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Memorials & Special Gifts

Thank you for considering the ministries of First Ev. Lutheran Church as the recipient of your special gifts and memorials. Because of these gifts, we are able to supplement many programs, groups, and extra (non-budgeted) expenditures.


1. This list of suggested memorials is made available as a guide to assist people in deciding how to designate funds given as memorials and special gifts.

2. Any item not on the approved list below must receive prior approval from the Church Council, acting on behalf of the Voters’ Assembly.

3. Memorials not designated will be retained until the end of each year in a “Memorial Fund”, to be dispersed at that time by the Church Council.

4. Memorials and Special Gifts are not identified with name plates or other descriptive plaques. The congregation understands that donations are given to the Glory of God.

5. Any items or property given to the church will remain the property of the church and disposed of as directed by the Church Council.


  • Any item, program, or project in the General Fund Budget (office equipment, Sunday School, VBS, etc.)
  • Church Technology Fund (i.e. Radio Broadcast Equipment Upgrade, sound system/new speakers, sanctuary screens, etc.)
  • Debt Reduction
  • Radio Broadcast over KDUZ, Hutchinson the last Sunday of each month. Full Sponsorship ($185) & Half Sponsorship ($92.50)
  • Endowment Foundation – for gifts of $2,500 or larger – please see our Endowment Foundation Brochure
  • Upkeep & Repair Fund (Building repairs, roof repairs, and maintenance.)


  • Religion Curriculum
  • Tuition Aid Fund
  • FLS “Keep It Happening”
  • School Technology Fund/Computers
  • Classroom Equipment/Resources
  • Music Curriculum
  • Sports Equipment
  • Flames of Faith Kids Club (Before and After School Program)


• First Lutheran Cemetery – Land and Columbarium

• Altar Guild

• Handbell Program

• Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – LWML

• Senior Choir

• Youth Mission Trips and National Youth Gathering

• DCE/Youth Programs (i.e. The Lighthouse, Winter Retreat, and other special events.)

"A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great"

Proverbs 18:16