- All are welcome at First Lutheran Church & School in Glencoe, Minnesota!
The Board’s goal is to provide a quiet, peaceful, and beautiful space, respectful of those buried here, and their families.
Throughout the year, First Lutheran Cemetery pursues the highest standards in grounds maintenance. To improve and preserve the appearance of First Lutheran Cemetery, the cooperation of all lot owners is required.
For the mutual protection of lot owners, the board has adopted ordinances, which all properties are subject to. Amendments to the ordinances are adopted by the Cemetery Board from time to time. Property documents make reference to future amendments and ordinances are enforced for all properties.
CLICK HERE to review a copy of Cemetery Rules
CLICK HERE to see photos of images for proper Cemetery display
For questions or inquiries about purchasing a plot or cemetery guidelines, please contact Louie Tessmer via email at: ltessmer@1stglencoe.org