- All are welcome at First Lutheran Church & School in Glencoe, Minnesota!
There are a variety of ways to connect within First Lutheran for personal and spiritual growth. Serving others and becoming involved in one or more of our ministries is an excellent way to grow closer to Christ, strengthen your faith, and encourage and support each other.
Pastoral Visits – Visits extended to homebound members, the hospitalized, or by request. Pastoral Counseling is available for those in the care of the church.
Prayer Requests – Let us know how we can be praying for you!
Weekly Bulletin & Prayers of the Church – To ensure your prayer request is included in our bulletin notes and during Sunday worship services, please contact the office by 4 pm on Thursdays.
Prayer Chain (Phone & E-mail) – Prayer Chain members are committed to prayer – to confidentiality, discretion, and listening to the Holy Spirit. To request a prayer on the Chain, contact 612-840-6308 or the church office.
Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals – These sacraments are provided for those in the care of the church. Please speak with a pastor or contact the church office to discuss or receive more information.
Cradle Roll –The Board of Christian Education/Youth celebrates baptisms for 4 years on the anniversary of our member’s baptism dates. Information is mailed to help parents encourage their children to grow in their faith.
Adult Group Studies – The current Bible Studies, small groups, and class offerings at First Lutheran are listed below. These options range from year-long to just a few weeks and cover various topics. This schedule will change throughout the year, so check back often. Let us know what other offerings or topics you’d like to see. We encourage all of our members to participate in a Bible Study, and we welcome all guests.
New Member Classes – Contact the church office for schedule and registration. Classes run for six Monday evenings from 6:45 to 8 pm. If you or anyone who know is interested in becoming a member of First Lutheran, or if you’d like a great “refresher course” in the catechism, we warmly welcome you to join us! Pastor Welch leads the class which takes a close look at what we believe about our God who reveals His loving plan for our lives in His Word, the Bible. We’ll also examine how we confess our Christian faith through the means of the Six Chief Parts of the Small Catechism: The Commandments, The Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession, and the Lord’s Supper.
Sunday Morning Bible Study – The Pastor leads this group that meets on Sundays from 9:15 – 10:15 am. Join as we explore various subjects and study Books of the Bible, the inspired and authoritative Word of God.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study & Fellowship – Tuesday morning studies meet weekly (except for 2nd Tuesday of month) from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Participants gather around God’s Word and prayer tackling Biblical topics and in-depth study of books of the Bible. All members and friends are welcome. The class is led by volunteer Pastor Ron Mathison.
Christian Book Study – Watch the newsletter for info on upcoming studies.
Men’s Network – This Men’s group meets on the third Tuesday evening of each month from 7-8 pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Plato. Pastor Mastin, from St. John’s is the group leader. All are invited to join together as we read from God’s Word through video and written materials to learn how to live our lives.
First Edition Book Club – This Women’s group reads and meets to discuss Christian fiction books and welcomes interested women to join in the discussion. Watch the monthly calendar for date and time.
LWML Bible Study – Members and guests are invited to join LWML members for Bible Study during their scheduled LWML meetings.
Social, Service, Ministry Opportunities – We have many ways for people to get to know each other, support one another, and serve.
CLICK HERE to see some ideas …….you may have other suggestions too – just ask how and where you might h
Daily Devotions & Online Studies – Pick up a free Daily Devotions booklet available on all church stands. You can also receive daily devotions via email and participate in a variety of online studies from Lutheran Hour Ministries (visit www.lhm.org or download the app) and from LWML (visit www.lwml.org or download the app).
Lutheran Hour – Visit Lutheran Hour Ministries (www.lhm.org or download the app) to hear weekly messages. On the Lutheran Hour website, view the top of the page for the weekly message. Here you’ll also find a wealth of info, resources and study guides available.
Lutheran Hour podcasts – Visit Lutheran Hour Ministries (www.lhm.org/podcasts/) for a variety of podcasts. Podcasting is an easy way to listen to your favorite LHM programs and resources when you want. Podcasts are audio files you can download automatically, free of charge, to your computer or portable devices.
Christ-centered programming – Includes podcasts, Bible studies, daily devotions, sacred music in a variety of styles, apologetics, national and international news, commentaries, and guest speakers – Tune in to KFUO Missouri Synod Lutheran Radio (850 AM out of St. Louis, MO) via the internet www.kfuo.org or your favorite “listening app.” The station broadcasts 24 hours a day and you’ll find many shows and segments available on-demand– anytime and anywhere!
Sacred Music for the world – Tune into Lutheran Public Radio at: www.lutheranpublicradio.org
Luther’s Small Catechism – www.catechism.cph.org
Lutheran Documents – find many reference documents at www.christian.net
GOSHEN Bible Study Tools – check out www.Crosswalk.com
Concordia University Library – Search for articles, books, and more HERE
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – www.lcms.org
Minnesota South District LCMS – www.mnsdistrict.org
Concordia Publishing House – www.cph.org
Feel free to contact the pastor or the church office at 320-864-5522 or Contact Us Here for further information and/or to discuss any questions you may have.