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We invite you to join us as you are – worshipping Him with a heart of repentance and thanksgiving.  Join us in-person in our sanctuary or via our media ministry options.


Join us for worship Sundays at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. We typically follow the order of service from the Lutheran Service Book (c. CPH, 2006). We are blessed to have several choral and musical groups to add to our worship.


1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of the month at 8:00 AM

2nd, 4th, & 5th Sundays of the month at 10:30 AM

We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a Sacrament in which Christ’s body and blood are given in and with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins (Matt. 26”26-28).  When we receive Holy Communion at a church, we show that we agree with the faith that is taught there (1 Cor. 10:14-18). 

St. Paul cautions us about receiving the body and blood of Christ in an unworthy manner (1 Cor. 11:27-29).  Therefore, we invite to Holy Communion those who have received instruction in the teachings of the Lutheran Church and who agree with the confession of faith as taught in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.  If you are not a member of a LC-MS church, we kindly request that you speak to a pastor first. 


Join us at 9:00 am on Sundays for a cup of coffee and fellowship. We also invite you to stay for Bible Study from 9:15 – 10:15 am.

Current Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study plans are on Thessalonians 1 & 2


  • Stream live services or watch previous videos on our Facebook Page or visit Watch Online
  • Glencoe Cable TV – Watch worship on Glencoe Nuvera Channel 10 – Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and Fridays at 5:30 pm
  • KDUZ Radio – Listen to worship the last Sunday of each month on KDUZ 1260 am at 9:30 am

"We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds."

Psalm 75:1